发布时间:2024年3月13日 分类:美术大赛 浏览量:684


奇瑞集团秉持“创新 责任 共赢”的核心理念,始终以产业报国为己任,致力于成为具有全球影响力和竞争力的一流企业集团。集团通过整合全球资源,围绕汽车主业推进多元化发展,形成了汽车、汽车零部件、金融、地产、现代服务等业务,旗下拥有奇瑞汽车、奇瑞商用车、奇瑞汽金、奇瑞科技等300余家成员企业,业务遍布全球80多个国家和地区。2023年集团年营收首次突破3000亿元,同比增长超过50%;汽车年销量188.1万辆,同比增长52.6%;年出口汽车93.7万辆,同比增长101.1%,连续21年位居中国品牌乘用车出口第一。截止目前,奇瑞公司全球汽车用户累计超过1300万,其中海外用户335万。
2024年,芜湖雕塑专题展将在芜湖“老船厂1900”举办。芜湖“老船厂1900” 是独一无二的城市记忆载体,承载了百年城市历史和数代人青春记忆,是汇聚芜湖光辉制造工业与城市创新的独特场所,标志着过去与未来的交织融合。芜湖“老船厂1900”紧邻长江,这里有芜湖黄金江岸线中唯一的“非堤岸滨江浅滩”,这里遗留着近百年来不同时期的历史建筑,有船台、龙门吊、车间保留小品等有着船厂独特印记的标志物,依托百年船厂工业遗迹与滨江景观资源,必将拉动芜湖整个“黄金江岸”的整体提升和联动发展,再次激活黄金江岸的核心动力,重塑城市滨江新标杆。

2.5 征集细则
2.6 展览布置
2.7 展览期限
宁 波 芜湖市委书记
曾成钢 中国雕塑学会会长、上海美术学院院长
韦秀芳 芜湖市委宣传部部长
向继辉 芜湖市人民政府副市长
朱发沐 芜湖市住房和城乡建设局党委书记、局长
花春江 中国雕塑学会副秘书长
成 员:
于小平 中国美术学院教授
邢 晖 芜湖市财政局局长
王玉娟 芜湖市文旅局局长
后 力 芜湖市外事办主任
金玉峰 芜湖市自然资源和规划局局长
童宗新 芜湖市审计局局长
杨绍华 芜湖市城市管理局局长
秦文涛 芜湖市公安局副局长
丁敏生 芜湖市住建局副局长
刘梅霞 中国雕塑学会办公室主任
顾 问:后其荣
主 任:朱发沐(兼)
曾成钢 中国雕塑学会会长、上海美术学院院长
孙振华 中国雕塑学会秘书长、《中国雕塑》主编
吕品昌 中国雕塑学会副会长、景德镇陶瓷大学副校长
焦兴涛 中国雕塑学会副会长、四川美术学院副院长
殷晓峰 中国雕塑学会副会长、东北师范大学公共艺术研究中心主任
冀少峰 中国雕塑学会副会长、湖北美术馆馆长
翟庆喜 中国雕塑学会副会长、上海美术学院副院长
林 岗 中国雕塑学会副会长、杭州市雕塑院院长
董书兵 中国雕塑学会副会长、清华大学美术学院副院长
张 伟 中国雕塑学会副会长、中央美术学院雕塑系主任
谭 勋 中国雕塑学会副会长、天津美术学院造型学院副院长
黎 明 中国美术家协会雕塑艺委会主任
杨剑平 上海美术学院教授
陈云岗 西安美术学院教授
殷双喜 中央美术学院教授
傅中望 湖北美术馆艺术总监
霍波洋 鲁迅美术学院教授
龙 翔 中国美术学院教授
曾成钢 中国雕塑学会会长、上海美术学院院长
孙振华 中国雕塑学会秘书长、《中国雕塑》主编
闫 坤、胡玉多
翟庆喜、朱 晨、董书兵、林 岗、陈 辉、冯崇利、马天羽
王 晶、张卓铭
郭 航、赵 磊、胡玉多
邵玥姣、吕文涛、胡玉多、王 晶、罗 平、张卓铭、丁雪竹
Wuhu Municipal People’s Government places high importance on the strategic significance of promoting Wuhu’s sculpture, especially its integration into the city’s public spaces to create works of outstanding era and artistic value. Under this consensus, it has taken the lead, in cooperation with the China Sculpture Institute, to plan the Wuhu Sculpture Special Exhibition. The exhibition aims to inherit and promote Wuhu’s industrial culture, such as the Yangtze River culture, shipbuilding culture, and automobile culture, adding new cultural depth to the city and injecting new momentum into the development of the cultural industry.
This special exhibition will be an important step for Wuhu in cultural construction and industrial development, laying a solid foundation for the city’s continuous prosperity. Wuhu, historically known as Jiuzi, has a documented history of over 2,500 years, with its county establishment dating back to 109 BC, initially named Wuhu. In ancient times, benefiting from the confluence of two rivers and advantageous navigation, Wuhu’s agriculture, handicraft industry, and commerce were relatively developed. During the Southern Tang dynasty, it was described as “towers and pavilions in dense arrays” and “smoke and fire from ten thousand homes”. The smelting industry reached its peak in the Song dynasty, and in the Ming dynasty, it became the national center for printing and dyeing, as recorded in “T’ien-kung k’ai-wu” that “weaving is best in Songjiang, while starching and dyeing are best in Wuhu”.
In modern times, Wuhu was one of the birthplaces of industry and commerce in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and one of the four major rice markets in the country. It was the first treaty port city in Anhui, hailed as “the giant port of the Yangtze River, the backbone of Anhui (province)”. As an important city along the Yangtze River, Wuhu carries a long history and rich cultural heritage. Since the birth of the Wuhu Shipyard, the city has witnessed the glorious journey of China’s manufacturing industry. The predecessor of Wuhu Shipyard was FuJiHeng Machinery Factory, established in 1900, carrying the mission to revitalize the national shipbuilding industry.
Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., headquartered in Wuhu, was established on January 8, 1997. For 27 years, it has consistently adhered to independent innovation, gradually establishing a complete technology and product research and development system, creating well-known product brands such as ARRIZO, TIGGO, and EXEED. Adhering to the core philosophy of “Innovation, Responsibility, Win-Win”, Chery Group has always taken it as its mission, striving to become a world-class enterprise group with global influence and competitiveness. The group has diversified its development around the automotive main business by integrating global resources, forming businesses in automobiles, auto parts, finance, real estate, and modern services. It owns over 300 member enterprises, including Chery Automobile, Chery Commercial Vehicle, Chery Technology, etc., with businesses spanning over 80 countries and regions. As of now, Chery has over 13 million car users worldwide, including 3.35 million overseas users.
In 2024, the Wuhu Sculpture Special Exhibition will be held at the Wuhu “Old Shipyard 1900”. The Wuhu “Old Shipyard 1900” is a unique carrier of urban memory, bearing the history of the city for a century and the youthful memories of generations. It is a distinctive venue that gathers the manufacturing industry and urban innovation of Wuhu, symbolizing the intertwining and fusion of past and future. Located adjacent to the Yangtze River, the Wuhu “Old Shipyard 1900” retains historical buildings from nearly a hundred years, including slipways, gantry cranes, workshop artifacts, and other unique markers of the shipyard. Relying on the century-old industrial relics of the shipyard and riverside landscape resources, the special exhibition will undoubtedly promote the overall enhancement and interconnected development of Wuhu’s entire “golden riverside”, reactivating the core dynamism of the golden riverside and reshaping a new benchmark for the city’s riverside.
The cultures of the Yangtze River, shipbuilding, and automobiles will merge with art in this exhibition, presenting a multidimensional, rich, and unique cultural feast for the audience.
1.2 Theme
Sculpting the Legacy of Jiangdong·Wuhu in a New Era—Wuhu Sculpture Special Exhibition will showcase the depth of history and contemporary vitality of Wuhu, a famous city in the east of the Yangtze River, and explore and interpret the essence of Wuhu’s urban culture through the creativity of artists and the sculptural form language, including its long-standing cultural heritage of the Yangtze River, its glorious shipbuilding industry, and its modern and prosperous automobile industry. The works on display will have an unique insight and be profound reflection on Wuhu’s past, present and future.
The exhibition not only draws attention on sculpture as a medium for capturing and expressing the changes of Wuhu city, but also attempts to connect Wuhu’s history and modernity, tradition and innovation through this art form. It will select works that transform Wuhu’s rich cultural stories and characteristics of the times into thought-provoking sculptures, adding new chapters to the city’s cultural memory.
Focusing on the three themes of “Yangtze River culture, shipbuilding culture and automobile culture”, the exhibition shows how Wuhu has found unique balance between tradition and a new era, and how to maintain and develop the local characteristics and cultural confidence in the context of globalization. Through Sculpting the Legacy of Jiangdong· Wuhu in a New Era—Wuhu Sculpture Special Exhibition, we hope that viewers will have a better understanding of the city’s cultural connotations and contemporary values, and to provide a platform for artists and viewers to communicate and think, exploring the future developing direction and possibilities of Wuhu.
1.3 Exhibition Vision
To further enhance the landmark influence of “Old Shipyard 1900” and improve the city’s quality and vitality. We aspire to transform the Wuhu “Old Shipyard 1900” into a dazzling urban landmark that integrates sculpture, Yangtze River culture, shipbuilding culture, and automotive culture.
(II) Main Activities and Call for Submissions
2.1 Exhibition Opening
Exhibition Name: Sculpting the Legacy of Jiangdong·Wuhu in a New Era—Wuhu Sculpture Special Exhibition
Exhibition Opening: November 2024 (specific date to be determined)
2.2 Scope of Submissions
Artists from both domestic and international backgrounds who agree with the theme and purpose of the exhibition and possess the ability to create sculptures are welcome to apply. There are no restrictions on nationality, ethnicity, age, or gender.
2.3 Collection Format
A wide call for submissions will be employed, open globally, to publicly collect 38 sculpture project proposals.
The works need to incorporate elements of Yangtze River culture, shipbuilding culture, and automotive culture.
2.4 Exhibition Process
1) Collection of 38 sculpture project proposals. Through a preliminary review meeting, 38 project proposals will be selected, and the organizers will produce three-dimensional models (small versions) for all 38 pieces, which will be displayed for one year.
Note: The author is required to assist in providing 3D data of the work. If there is no data available, the author needs to make a model to facilitate the organizers to make precise three-dimensional manuscripts.
2) During the display period of the three-dimensional models, the organizers will hold a re-evaluation meeting to determine the final 18 entries. These 18 pieces will be produced by the organizing unit into works suitable for long-term outdoor display (dimensions to be determined) and placed at the Wuhu “Old Shipyard 1900” and other public space for long-term exhibition.
3) The three-dimensional models of the remaining 20 pieces will be displayed by the organizer for around a year, after which the organizer will give the three-dimensional model back to the authors (for free).
4) The authors of the final 18 selected works will receive a work collection certificate and a collection fee of 100,000 yuan (after tax) for the work. Both the three-dimensional models and their outdoor display pieces will be permanently collected by the organizers; the authors of the other 20 works will receive a participation certificate and the three-dimensional model (small version) of their work.
5) During the agreed display period, if the organizers decides to process and fabricate any of the other 20 works for permanent display at the “Old Shipyard 1900” and other public space, a fee of 80,000 yuan (after tax) will be paid to the author for the use of the proposal, and the three-dimensional model will also be collected by the organizer.
2.5 Call for Submissions Details
(1) Submissions for the exhibition must be made online (authors experiencing internet difficulties should proactively contact the Art Committee Office). Each author can submit images of 1-3 works for the Art Committee’s selection and must fill out a registration form set by the Organizing Committee as well as provide corresponding supplementary materials. Relevant forms and instructions can be downloaded from the China Sculpture Institute’s website (Chinese version: www.csin.org.cn; English version: http://www.csin.org.cn/english/index.asp) .
Authors must send the filled electronic registration form, images of the proposed exhibition works, personal photo, and scanned copies of their passport to the designated Organizing Committee email wuhudiaosudasai@csin.org.cn before May 5, 2024.
Images of multiple works should be clearly and accurately matched with their descriptions (all digital images sent to the email should have a resolution of over 300 DPI). Images should be in JPG format, without any text information, and named after the author’s name and work title (for example: Myron-Discobolus.JPG). The registration form must be filled out clearly, without omissions, and foreign participants should fill it out in English primarily. Late submissions will not be accepted.
(2) The Art Committee will evaluate all submitted works based on the registration materials, and the results will be published on China Sculpture Institute’s website and CSI official account of Wechat.
2.6 Exhibition Layout
The arrangement of sculptures will take place around the Wuhu “Old Shipyard 1900” and other public space, creating an orderly and aesthetically pleasing exhibition route. Each piece will have sufficient display space to ensure that the audience can fully appreciate the works from all angles.
2.7 Exhibition Duration
Long-term display.
2.8 Collection Fee
The collection fee for the 18 final selected works will be paid by the Wuhu party, with payment completed at the beginning of the exhibition opening. Each work will receive 100,000 yuan (after-tax).
(III) Intellectual Property Protection
(1)The projects submitted by participating authors must not infringe the patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, reputation rights or any other legitimate rights and interests of other third parties.
(2) The exhibition organizing units have the right to publish and distribute compilations of the exhibition projects and to authorize the Wuhu Municipal People’s Government and the China Sculpture Institute for their use in public welfare activities.
(IV) Organization
4.1 Organizers
China Sculpture Institute
Wuhu Municipal People’s Government
4.2 Undertaking Organization
Wuhu Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau
Exhibition Department of China Sculpture Institute
4.3 Academic Support Units
Sculpture Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts
Sculpture Department of China Academy of Art
Sculpture Department of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts
Sculpture Department of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Sculpture Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts
Sculpture Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
Sculpture Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
Sculpture Department of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts
Sculpture Department of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts
4.4 Organizing Committee
Ning Bo
Secretary of Wuhu Municipal Party Committee
Zeng Chenggang
President of China Sculpture Institute, President of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts
Deputy Directors:
Wei Xiufang
Minister of Publicity Department of Wuhu Municipal Party Committee
Xiang Jihui
Deputy Mayor of Wuhu Municipal People’s Government
Deputy Directors:
Wei Xiufang
Minister of Publicity Department of Wuhu Municipal Party Committee
Xiang Jihui
Deputy Mayor of Wuhu Municipal People’s Government
Zhu Famu
Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Wuhu Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau
Hua Chunjiang
Deputy Secretary General of China Sculpture Institute
Yu Xiaoping
Professor of China Academy of Art
Xing Hui
Director of the Finance Department of Wuhu
Wang Yujuan
Director of Wuhu Culture and Tourism Bureau
Hou Li
Director of Foreign Affairs Office of Wuhu
Jin Yufeng
Director of Wuhu Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
Tong Zongxin
Director of Audit Bureau of Wuhu
Yang Shaohua
Director of Wuhu City Management Bureau
Qin Wentao
Deputy Director of Wuhu Public Security Bureau
Ding Minsheng
Deputy Director of Wuhu Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau
Liu Meixia
Office Director of China Sculpture Institute
Organizing Committee Bureau
Consultant: Hou Qirong
Director: Zhu Famu
Deputy Director: Yu Xiaoping, Hua Chunjiang, Ding Minsheng, Liu Meixia
4.5 Art Committee
Director of Art Committee:
Zeng Chenggang
President of China Sculpture Institute, President of Shanghai Academy of Fine Art
Art Committee Members :
Sun Zhenhua
Secretary-General of China Sculpture Institute, Editor-in-Chief of China Sculpture
Lv Pinchang
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, Vice President of School of Plastic Arts of Central Academy of Fine Arts
Jiao Xingtao
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, Vice President of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts
Yin Xiaofeng
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, Professor of Fine Arts College in Northeast Normal University
Ji Shaofeng
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, Director of Hubei Art Museum
Zhai Qingxi
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, Vice president of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts
Lin Gang
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, President of Hangzhou Sculpture Institute
Dong Shubing
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, Vice President of Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University
Zhang Wei
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, Dean of Sculpture Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts
Tan Xun
Vice President of China Sculpture Institute, Vice President of School of Fine Arts, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
Art Committee Advisor:
Li Ming
Dean of the Sculpture Art Committee of Chinese Artists Association
Yang Jianping
Professor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts
Chen Yungang
Professor of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts
Yin Shuangxi
Professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts
Fu Zhongwang
Artistic Director of Hubei Museum of Art
Huo Boyang
Professor of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
Long Xiang
Professor of China Academy of Art
Zeng Chenggang
President of China Sculpture Institute, President of Shanghai Academy of Fine Art
Academic Host:
Sun Zhenhua
Secretary-General of China Sculpture Institute, Editor-in-Chief of China Sculpture
General Exhibition Coordinator:
Hua Chunjiang
Executive Curator :
Yan Kun, Katherine
Exhibition Supervision Department:
Zhai Qingxi, Zhu Chen, Dong Shubing, Lin Gang, Chen Hui, Feng Chongli, Ma Tianyu
Exhibition Publicity Department:
Wang Jing, Zhang Zhuoming
International Communication Department:
Guo Hang, Zhao Lei, Katherine
Office Director of the Art Committee:
Liu Meixia
Members of the Art Committee Office:
Shao Yuejiao, Lv Wentao, Hu Yuduo, Wang Jing, Luo Ping, Zhang Zhuoming, Ding Xuezhu
Contact of the Art Committee Office:
Tel: (+86) 010-66173056
Email: wuhudiaosudasai@csin.org.cn
Address: 302, Building 12, Yard 3, Xixing Road, Houshayu Town, Shunyi District, Beijing
Postcode: 101318
Download:Registration Form.doc

E-mail : office@csin.org.cn