
发布时间:2024年1月16日 分类:设计大赛 浏览量:458










































2. 实物类作品

















1. 参赛者须保证其作品完全为本人创作或合作团队共同创作,一经发现抄袭等行为,一律取消参赛资格。


2. 参赛者在活动期间不得将参赛作品转让给第三方,或许可第三方使用。任何个人或组织在未取得主办方授权的情况下,不得将本次活动作品用于任何商业用途。


3. 本次大赛因涉及肖像权、名誉权、隐私权、著作权、商标权等引起的纠纷,一律由参赛者或参赛团体承担法律责任。


4. 参赛者违反第1、2、3条规定造成主办方损失的,应赔偿主办方一切损失,包括且不限于主办方由于参赛者不当行为所支出的赔偿金、律师费、案件受理费、仲裁费、公证费等。


5. 主办方自收到参赛作品时起即享有参赛作品的发表权。


6. 主办方拥有对入围、获奖作品的公益使用权和商业开发使用优先选择权。


7. 主办方对包括本规则在内的本次大赛的所有文件保留最终解释权。任何与本次大赛有关的未尽事宜,均由主办方进一步制定相应规定或进行解释。


8. 本次大赛活动适用中华人民共和国法律。



Notice of Fashionable”March 3rd” Creative Design Competition 2024

Spring comes from Guangxi, and the tide rises on March 3rd! When the spring flowers bloom, Guangxi will usher in the grand and warm traditional ethnic minority festival “March 3rd”, Guangxi people invite you to tastes rice noodles, river snails, sing folk songs, enjoy the beautiful scenery, experience the diverse culture, and enjoy the carnival together. “March 3rd” is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation with common cultural memories and distinct regional characteristics. We sincerely invite you to show the “March 3rd” in your eyes with your art works and bring the festival and Chinese culture to the world. The first Fashionable “March 3rd” Creative Design Competition is waiting for you!

I. Theme of the competition

The competition welcomes creative designs focusing on Guangxi’s high-quality development, casting a firm sense of a community for the Chinese nation, highlighting the advantages of the ecological environment, integration into the building of the “Belt and Road ” Initiative, and building a China-ASEAN community with a shared future.

II. Organizations

(i) Hosts

Publicity Department of the CPC Guangxi Committee, Guangxi Department of Education, Guangxi Department of Culture and Tourism

(ii) Organizers

Guangxi Publishing and Media Group, Guangxi Arts University, Guangxi Cloud Digital Media Group

III. Candidates

(i) Teachers and students from universities and institutes nationwide.

(ii) Domestic and foreign independent designers, artists, design hobbyist groups and individuals.

IV. Contents of entries

Important elements of the entries are innovation and creativity. Entries should be related the theme of “March 3rd”. There are two specific categories:

(i) “March 3rd” VI design. VI brand visual image design and derivatives application design related to the “March 3rd” are welcome, including brand logo design, IP image design and other derivatives including application scenarios, static or dynamic posters, dynamic emoticon packages, short videos and so on. 3 to 6 pieces are preferred.

(ii) “March 3rd” cultural and creative product design. Content may include but is not limited to: national unity and progress, the construction of the Pinglu Canal, the building of the China-ASEAN community with a shared future and other subjects, lush mountains and lucid waters, history and folklore, intangible cultural heritage, Guangxi brands and other Guangxi images.

V. Schedule

(i) Announcement of and publicity for the competition: January-February.

(ii) Submission of entries: March 1st – March 20th.

(iii) Review of entries: March 21st – April 5th.

(D) Release of winning entries: April 6th – April 11th.

(v) Follow-up publicity and promotion: April-June.

VI. Prizes

Entries of the two categories of “March 3rd” VI design, and “March 3rd” cultural and creative product design will compete within their own categories. The competition organizing committee will rally well-known experts to form a commission to review the entries. First, second and third prizes and nomination prizes will be set for each category respectively. Winners of the first prizes will receive 100,000 yuan, winners of the second prizes will receive 30,000 yuan, and winners of the third prizes will receive 10,000 yuan, and winners of the nomination prizes will be receive 5,000 yuan.

The contest is conducted on the principle of “quality over quantity”, and vacancies in prizes are possible. Candidates can download the certificate of participation from the web page of the contest and have a chance to get the Fashionable “March 3rd” cultural and creative products, tickets to the March 3rd main event and the “Flying Songs on Earth” gala.

VII. Exhibition and commercialization of entries

(i) Entries on display. After the announcement of the winning entries, authors of the entries will be awarded. A display of excellent entries will be organized. Itinerant exhibitions to art colleges and universities, scenic spots will be organized.Various types of media at all levels will publicize and promote the works.

(ii) Commercialization. Winning entries of cultural and creative design category will be used as the “March 3rd” activities publicity products, and will be recommended to enterprises for production and sales.

VIII. Competition requirements

(i) Format and specifications of entries

1. Designs

(1) Static works: each work should be an electronic file of no more than 5 pictures laid vertically. The size of the picture should be A3 (297mm×420mm), JPG. The definition should be not less than 300dpi, CMYK.

(2) motion pictures: no restriction in form. The entry should be no more than 3 minutes, with file size of no more than 50M, MP4,1920×1080PX in size. A file of no more than five screenshots of the entry should be submitted as well. The attached file should be A3 (297mm×420mm), JPG, no less than 300dpi, CMYK.

2. Physical object

In the preliminary stage, only pictures of entries with physical presence are acceptable. The physical entity should be submitted only after it passes the preliminary review. Candidates should submit their works in time after receiving the notification of physical submission. Failure to submit in time will be regarded as quitting. Pictures of physical works should clearly present the original appearance of the works from multiple angles, both overall and partial appearances, and label the size of the works(length×width×height in millimeter), and the electronic files of the pictures should be in JPG format, with a definition of no less than 300dpi, CMYK. The number of pictures of a single work is limited to 5, and the number of pictures of a series is limited to 15.

(ii) Submission

The competition accepts only electronic submissions. Visit the official website of the competition “Guangxi News Network”.Visit

to submit, or scan the QR code below on WeChat to enter the submission page, and fill in and upload the materials according to the instructions on the page. Candidates should fill in the application form online as well. Upload the application form in word and in PDF with signature or seal, the commitment letter in PDF with signature and the pictures of the entry. Please do not upload a compressed file. Authors of an entry can be an individual or a team, and there is no limit to the number of entries. The number of authors of one entry is limited to 5 people. If you encounter technical problems in filling out the form, please contact the technical staff. Contact person and telephone number: Mr. Mo Haiyu, 15177783285.

(iii) Copyright requirements

Candidates should ensure that all the works have not been publicly published in newspapers, magazines, on in the internet or other platforms, and have not applied for patents or intellectual property registration, have not been sold in the market, and have not participated in similar competitions or activities. The work must be the original work of the candidate himself/herself or his/her team. If any dispute on copyright or intellectual property rights arises from the work, the candidate shall bear the consequences by himself/herself, and the organizer of the competition will disqualify him/her from the competition.

(iv) Cautions

1. Candidates must ensure that their works are entirely created by themselves or their teams. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.

2. Candidates are not allowed to transfer their entries to third parties or license them during the campaign period. No individual or organization may use the works of this event for any commercial purposes without obtaining authorization from the organizer.

3. Any disputes arising from the contest involving portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, copyrights, trademarks, etc. shall be borne by the candidates.

4. If a candidate violates the provisions of Articles 1, 2 and 2 and causes the Organizer losses, the candidate shall indemnify the Organizer for all losses, including and not limited to damages, attorney’s fees, case acceptance fees, arbitration fees, and notary fees, etc., which the Organizer may have incurred as a result of the candidate’s misconduct.

5. The organizer has the right to publish the entries from the moment of receipt.

6. The organizer has the right to use the shortlisted and winning works for public welfare and the right of first offer for commercialization.

7. The Organizer reserves the right of final interpretation of all documents of this competition, including the terms. Any unresolved issues related to this competition shall be further regulated or interpreted by the Organizer.

8. The laws of the People’s Republic of China apply to the activities of the competition.

Contact person and telephone number of the Organizing Committee of the Competition: Ms. Lü Honglin, 15676778903; Ms. Li Yanyuan, 18507716629. (Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 15:00-18:00)

QR Code of Official WeChat Public Account of

Fashionable “March 3rd” Creative Design

Competition 2024

Candidates are invited to follow the official WeChat public account of the First Fashionable “March 3rd” Creative Design Competition, Fashionable”March 3″, to keep abreast of the details and latest progress of the competition.