
发布时间:2024年1月13日 分类:摄影大赛 浏览量:975


In order to further study, publicize and implement the Spirit of the Party’s 20th National Congress, inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and prosper the socialist literary and artistic cause, More excellent literary and artistic works that carry forward the main theme and spread positive energy will be introduced, and the graceful style of peony with photography art form, and  the cultural connotation of peony with vivid images will be prensented.  The “Blooming Prosperity” 2024 China Peony Capital (Heze) peony photography competition is going to be hosted by the Shandong Province Photographers Association and Heze Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China .


1、主办单位: 山东省摄影家协会中共菏泽市委宣传部 2、承办单位:菏泽市文学艺术界联合会菏泽市摄影家协会 3、支持单位 :人民摄影报社、山东画报社、以及以下中国牡丹摄影联盟成员单位:

1, Organizers: Shandong Province Photographers Association and Heze Municipal Party Committee Publicity Department

2, Operators: Heze City Literature and Art Association, Heze City Photographers Association

3, support units: People’s Photo newspaper, Shandong Painting Newspaper.

and the  following member units of China Peony Photography Alliance:







The collection content is aimed at collecting photography works with peony and its related elements as the theme at home and abroad, following the principles of distinct theme, unique style and diverse forms, to show the whole chain style of peony planting, viewing, industry and culture and the good image of practitioners. It tells the story of peony and peony people, peony and China’s peony capital, peony and peony industrialization, peony and the world, highlighting the unique charm and cultural connotation of peony. Previous winners will no longer participate in this submission. 3. Individual and group photos of the submitted works are acceptable. There is no limitation on color, black and white, and shooting equipment (film works need to be scanned into digital files). No more than 10 pieces per person and no more than 5 groups of photos (4-12 photos per group). 4. The contributor shall guarantee that he/she is the author of the submitted work, and has independent, complete, clear and undisputed copyright in the whole and part of the work; Contributors shall also ensure that the works they submit do not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, including copyright, portrait rights, reputation rights, and privacy rights. All legal responsibilities shall be borne by the contributors themselves. In case of any violation, the organizer has the right to cancel their qualification, recover the prize money and certificate. 5. There is no entry fee and no rejection. If the submitted works are damaged, lost, late or not arrived in the process of mailing or sending, the relevant losses and consequences shall be borne by the contributors themselves.


摄影作品本次大赛只接受电子版投稿。投稿作品为jpg格式,2MB以上。投稿作品的电子文件名格式如下:《所属单位或地市+作者姓名+作品名称+联系电话》(如:菏泽+《盛世牡丹》+ 张三+1390530****),邮件内以word文档形式同时发送作者详细通信地址。组照作品每组须置于一个文件夹内,同一作者的全部作品请置于一个文件夹内打包压缩后发送。凡因提交作品格式不符合要求或个人信息不全而影响联络的,视为自动放弃参评资格。

投稿邮箱:zgmdsylm@vip.163.com 截稿日期:即日起至2024年2月25日


对于获奖和入展作品,活动主办方有权在著作权存续期内,以复制、发行、展览、放映、信息网络传播、汇编等方式使用入展作品,并不再支付报酬,但作者享有署名权。       投稿即视为认同上述条款,本征稿启事最终解释权属组委会。



The photography competition only accepts electronic submissions. Submissions should be in jpg format, at least 2MB. The format of the electronic file name of the submitted work is as follows: “Affiliated unit or city + author’s name + work name + contact phone number” (such as: Heze + Shengshi Peony + Zhang SAN +1390530****), and the author’s detailed correspondence address should be sent in word document form. Each group of photos must be placed in one folder, and all the works of the same author must be packaged and compressed in one folder before sending. If the submitted work format does not meet the requirements or the personal information is incomplete and affects the contact, it will be deemed that the qualification for participation will be waived automatically.

Submission deadline: From now until February 25, 2024. Email: zgmdsylm@vip.163.com

Copyright of works The organizer shall have the right to use the awarded and exhibited works by means of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, screening, information network dissemination, compilation and other means within the term of copyright without paying any remuneration, but the authors shall enjoy the right of authorship. Submission is deemed to agree with the above terms, the final interpretation of this call for papers belongs to the Organizing Committee.

Technical consultation (please contact during working hours) : Zhang Wensheng 13705301085