2024冬日救生站(Winter Stations)设计竞赛

发布时间:2023年11月7日 分类:设计大赛 浏览量:405

Winter Stations is a single-stage international design competition held annually in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Participants are tasked with designing temporary winter art installations which incorporate existing lifeguard towers spaced strategically across the city’s Kew and Woodbine beaches. The structures (not in use in the wintertime) are considered visual anchor points for the installations.Over the past 10 years, Winter Stations has become a vibrant tapestry of art, innovation, and community. It’s a testament to the transformative power of creativity and the lasting impact it leaves on our lives.


为了庆祝与这项计划产生内心共鸣的十年,本届竞赛宣布 2024 年冬日救生站的主题为:共鸣(Resonance)。“共鸣”捕捉了我们艺术遗产的回声和冬日救生站的持久影响。它鼓励我们反思那些留下了持久印记的时刻、那些触动我们心灵的装置,以及那些已经成为我们集体叙事一部分的记忆。今年,在一个令人兴奋的转折中,竞赛要求设计师踏上一段非凡的重塑和重新想象之旅。竞赛希望参赛者通过重新创造、重新想象和改造冬日救生站历史中珍贵的装置,为过去的回响注入新的活力。与往年一样,竞赛要求设计师将他们的装置概念化,以便近距离和远距离、现场和虚拟体验,因为考虑到面对面和旅行限制的可能性。此外,考虑到装置安装地点的不可预见情况,救生站的设计应在结构上独立于救生员站,并适用于沙滩环境和平坦的城市地面。

In the spirit of celebrating a decade of resonating with our hearts and minds, we are thrilled to announce the theme for the 2024 edition of Winter Stations: Resonance.Resonance captures the echoes of our artistic legacy and the enduring impact of Winter Stations. It invites us to reflect on the moments that have left a lasting mark, the installations that have stirred our hearts, and the memories that have become part of our collective narrative.This year, in an exciting twist, we are asking designers to embark on a remarkable journey of reinvention and reimagination. We want you to breathe new life into the echoes of the past by recreating, reimagining and reinventing cherished installations from Winter Stations history.As with other years, we ask our designers to conceptualise their station to be experienced up close and from afar, in person and virtually, as we continue to acknowledge the potential for in person and travel restrictions. Furthermore, given unforeseen circumstances regarding our installation sites, stations should be designed structurally independent of the lifeguard stands and be suitable for both a sandy beach environment and a flat urban surface.


主办单位:The Beach、Sali Tabacchi、Meevo Digital






