
发布时间:2023年9月7日 分类:设计大赛 浏览量:846


Design Competition of Nansha (Guangzhou)-Zhongshan Intercity Railway Xiangshan Station “One Lake, One Station” Urban Design and Architectural Conceptual Design of the Surrounding Cuihu Park Plot Announcement


I. Project Description

1.项目名称 Project name


Design Competition of Nansha (Guangzhou)-Zhongshan Intercity Railway Xiangshan Station “One Lake, One Station” Urban Design and Architectural Conceptual Design of the Surrounding Cuihu Park Plot

2.组织机构 Organizing unit


Competition organizers: Zhongshan Natural Resources Bureau, Zhongshan Cuiheng New District Management Committee, Zhongshan Rail Transit Co., Ltd


Competition planning & consulting agency: Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management & Consultancy Group Co., Ltd.


II. Project Background


Xiangshan Station is located in the northern core area of Ma’an Island in Cuiheng New District, north of Cuihu Park, east of Maolong Waterway, west of Cuiheng New District Management Committee, south of Hexin Road, about 1 kilometer from the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor. The station is the first station of Nansha (Guangzhou)-Zhongshan Intercity Railway into Zhongshan. The station is the underground three-story three-span structure, double-island four-line station, reserved for the east connection to Shenzhen, the south extension to Zhuhai’s railroad construction conditions. In the future, it will be organically linked to the three strategic platforms of Nansha, Qianhai, Hengqin. It is a rail transit hub built with high standards and key focus in Zhongshan City.


The Nansha (Guangzhou)-Zhongshan Intercity Railway is scheduled to be completed and open to traffic in 2027. The project is a key project for the implementation of the national strategy of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with the dual attributes of intercity railroad and urban rail transit, enabling Zhongshan to quickly connect to Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai, and helping to realize the co-location and integrated development of the city clusters in GBA. It has the important mission of promoting Zhongshan to become a new growth pole in GBA by turning its geometric center into an energy center.


Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government take the construction of Nansha (Guangzhou)-Zhongshan Intercity Railway as an opportunity to carry out the entire line of TOD’s front study, where the Xiangshan Station block is positioned as a gateway to attract flow and the source of vitality. We will build a co-location advantage super close to Shenzhen through the rail, build an international youth fashion vitality center, and serve as a carrier for research, development, transformation, and application innovation in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The TOD of Xiangshan Station is of strategic significance to further promote Cuiheng New District to be the center of the “Golden Inner Bay” at the mouth of the the Pearl River, and to become a paradise for talents and a highland for innovation and entrepreneurship in Shenzhen, Zhongshan, Guangzhou and Zhuhai.


In order to accelerate the landing of Xiangshan block TOD project, Zhongshan Natural Resources Bureau, Zhongshan Cuiheng New District Management Committee and Zhongshan Rail Transit Co., Ltd. organized a competition for the design of Nansha (Guangzhou)-Zhongshan Intercity Railway Xiangshan Station “One Lake, One Station” Urban Design and Architectural Conceptual Design of the Surrounding Cuihu Park Plot. The Xiangshan Station block will be built into a world-class TOD benchmark with high standing, high quality and high standard.


III. Main Work Tasks


The design task of this competition is divided into three parts, which the architectural conceptual design of Surrounding Cuihu Park Plot is the focus of this competition. (Refer to Annex 2- Design Specification Announcement Version for detailed requirements. The final requirements are subject to the final Design Specification)




Overall Urban Design:

Scope of general urban design: Scale of about 710 hectares, 10,644 mu (blue line area in Figure-1).

The work includes but is not limited to: studying the development goals of the area from the overall level, optimizing the functional layout of land use, spatial structure and form, and public space system.




Detailed Urban Design of Core Area:

Scope of detailed urban design: Xiangshan Station “One Lake, One Station” area, with a scale of about 198 hectares, 2,970 mu (Rose red line area in Figure-1).

The work includes but is not limited to: deepening the research on the planning target positioning, industrial functions, development scale and intensity, skyline, important landscape design, important interface control, public open space, traffic system, underground space and other aspects of the “One Lake, One station” area, carrying out the overall conception and detailed design, refining the detailed design guidelines, and putting forward the guidelines for the connection of control regulations.




Architectural Conceptual Design of the Surrounding Cuihu Park Plot:

Scope of Architectural Conceptual Design: Surrounding Cuihu Park Plot, with a scale of about 36.83 hectares, 552 mu (black line area in Figure-1).

The work includes but is not limited to: putting forward the architectural conceptual design scheme, conducting research and design on the functional layout, scale, style, landscape environment and underground space of the building, as well as the economic calculation of the project, and putting forward optimization suggestions on the integration of the railway and the planning conditions.


Figure 1 Design scope


IV. Work Rules


The competition is divided into two stages: the first stage is pre-qualification; the second stage is design competition.

1.第一阶段:资格预审阶段 The first stage—Prequalification


The open competition mode is adopted for this competition, in which the competition openly accepts applications from eligible domestic and international design units (including consortiums, the same below) that meet the qualification requirements for participation.


The prequalification committee that is legally formed by the competition organizers will evaluate the prequalification application documents submitted by the contestants. By means of registered voting and round-by-round voting, the four shortlisted design units will enter the competition design stage.


The four design units will receive invitation letters from the competition organizer. If the participating unit withdraws or ultimately gives up the competition due to non-force majeure reasons, the competition organization unit has the right to refuse the participating unit to participate in any other competition of the competition organizers’.


If the shortlisted design units withdraw from the competition, the competition organizer will fill vacancies in the order of ranking of alternative units.

2.第二阶段:竞赛设计阶段 The second stage—Competition design


The four design units will carry out the conceptual schematic design according to the requirements of the Competition Technical Documents subsequently issued, and submit the formal design results documents on time. Each unit is limited to submit 1 design proposal. The design scheme submitted by a design unit other than the shortlisted units will not be accepted.


The program review committee formed by the competition organizers in accordance with the law reviews the submitted entry schemes, and determines the ranking of all schemes by registered voting and round-by-round voting. Among them, the NO.1 entry scheme becomes the selected scheme of the competition. The selected scheme unit designs and integrates on the basis of the competition scheme and conducts subsequent deepening design (see the Design Specification for details of the deepening design requirements) and obtains corresponding fees.


If the first-place unit fails to perform the contract or abandons the follow-up deepening design work, it will be disqualified from the selection and no compensation will be given; the competition organizer has the right to select other participating units to replace it in the order of the ranking of the participating schemes based on the results of the expert review, and the unit awarded the follow-up deepening design work will receive the corresponding deepening design fee (no additional cost compensation fee will be obtained).


V. Requirements of Participation Qualification


The participating applicant must be a legally registered enterprise or institution within or outside China. Applications from individuals and individual groups are not accepted. Design units in China must be independent legal entities or partnerships or other organizations. Design units with the following relationships are not allowed to compete in the name of multiple applicants simultaneously: ① Two or more legal persons with the same legal representative; ② Parent company, wholly-owned subsidiaries, and their holding companies.


If a design unit in Chinese Mainland is independent or undertakes the main unit of the consortium, it must have a Grade A qualification for urban and rural planning, or a Grade A or above qualification for the engineering design and construction industry (construction engineering), or the qualifications of an architectural design firm.


For independent design units from foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who undertake the main unit of the consortium, there is no limit to the qualification requirements, but they must have experience in urban planning/architectural design projects.


The participating applicant unit (independent or consortium) has undertaken at least one similar project at home and abroad in the past five years (since January 1, 2018) (similar projects are urban design/architectural design for TOD comprehensive development or above-station property development in rail transit stations/hub areas).


The main designer of the participating applicant unit has undertaken at least one similar project at home and abroad as the main person in charge in the past five years (since January 1, 2018) (similar projects are urban design/architectural design for TOD comprehensive development or above-station property development in rail transit stations/hub areas).


This project accepts participation in the form of a consortium. The number of members of the consortium does not exceed 3. People from various professional fields such as architecture, urban planning, industrial economy, transportation, landscape architecture, etc. are encouraged to form a team to participate. Those who participate in the form of a consortium must submit a consortium agreement and specify the main unit of the consortium in the agreement. After each member of the consortium signs the Consortium Agreement, they shall no longer participate in the competition separately in their own name, nor may they form a new consortium or participate in other consortia, otherwise their eligibility for the competition will be invalid.


Note: The territory of the design unit is determined on the basis of the registered industrial and commercial address of its company headquarters (or group headquarters).


Applicants must provide corresponding supporting materials in accordance with the content specified in the Prequalification Documents in accordance with the requirements of the eligibility conditions for the competition.


VI. Competition Schedule

1. 2023年9月6日–9月15日:发布公告,接受设计单位提交资格预审申请文件。

September 6th to September 15th, 2023: Announcement will be issued to accept the design unit to submit prequalification documents.

2. 2023年9月下旬:对资格预审申请文件进行评审,确定正式参赛单位。

Late September 2023: Evaluate the prequalification documents and confirm the official participants.

3. 2023年9月27日–11月12日:参赛单位开展方案设计工作。

September 27th to November 12th, 2023: The design units start to work on schematic design.

4. 发布(答疑)会暨现场踏勘时间计划安排在2023年10月8日。

The Release Conference (Q&A) and site survey are scheduled on October 8th, 2023.

5. 专家评审会时间计划安排在2023年11月14日。

The expert evaluation meeting is scheduled on November 14th, 2023.


Note: The competition organizer reserves the right to adjust the competition schedule.


VII. Fee


The participating unit can receive the competition fee paid by the competition organizer after submitting the entry documents that meet the requirements of the technical documents of the competition and passing the expert evaluation. Details are as follows:


First place (that is, the selected unit): undertakes the follow-up deepening design work and obtain 3.5 million RMB for deepening design costs (no additional cost compensation fees will be obtained);


Second place: will receive a cost compensation fee of 800,000 RMB;


Third place: will receive a cost compensation fee of 700,000 RMB;


Fourth place: will receive a cost compensation fee of 600,000 RMB;


Note: The participating units whose schemes are considered as invalid by the review committee will not be eligible for competition related fees.


Ⅷ.Announcement Release Media

1.公告发布媒体Announcement release media

(1)中国招投标公共服务平台 China Tendering & Bidding Public Service Platform(bulletin.cebpubservice.com)

(2)中招联合招标采购网 Website of China joint bidding and procurement(www.365trade.com.cn/)

(3)宏达竞赛信息平台(www.wt-competition.com)及其同名微信公众号 WANG TAT Competition Information Platform and its WeChat official account

(4)Archrace(www.archrace.com)及其同名微信公众号Archrace and its WeChat official account

(5)设计竞赛网(www.shejijingsai.com)及其同名微信公众号Website of Design Competition Network and its WeChat official account

(6)多维城市(微信公众号) Multidimensional city (WeChat Official Account)

(7)青年建筑(微信公众号) Youth Architects (WeChat Official Account)

(8)匞人匞品网(微信公众号) Craftsman Craftsmanship website (WeChat Official Account)


Note: In case of any discrepancy between the announcement information published on the relevant websites, the information published on the “WANG TAT Competition Information Platform” shall prevail.


Prequalification results announcement release media

(1)中国招投标公共服务平台 China Tendering & Bidding Public Service Platform(bulletin.cebpubservice.com)

(2)宏达竞赛信息平台 WANG TAT Competition Information Platform(www. wt-competition.com)

3.公告附件下载 Attachment download

链接 Link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/12QYFI3QWROeFT_8HR57AOQ

提取码 Key:GZHD


Ⅸ. Contact Information


Competition planning and consulting agency: Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management & Consultancy Group Co., Ltd.

本项目联系人及联系方式:020-87562291转:8536 林工(手机13432822695),8563胡工(手机16676049435)

Project manager: Ms. Lin 020-87562291-8536/ Ms. 13432822695; Mr.Hu 16676049435


Competition affairs: Ms. Liu 020-87562291-8586/13826464267


Address: 5th Floor, Wangtat Construction & Investment Building, No.7 Second Street, Kehui Valley, 99 Science Avenue, Guangzhou Science City, Guangzhou City, Guangdong province, China

邮编 Postcode:510663

电邮 Email:wangtat_dc@163.com


Ⅹ. Contact Information

1.资格预审文件 Prequalification Documents

2.《设计任务书公告版》 Design Specification Announcement Version

3.格式文件 Format Documents


Note: The information of this competition, please refer to Appendix 1 Prequalification documents. The detailed description in Appendix 1 shall prevail.

公告附件下载 Attachment download

链接 Link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/12QYFI3QWROeFT_8HR57AOQ

提取码 Key:GZHD